Modern Corporate Responsibility contributes to Sustainable Development

Corporate Responsibility according to international standards like the UN Global Compact, ISO 26000 or the OECD Guidelines is all about HOW companies make their profits, not about what they do with the money they made. And according to Blackrock CEO Larry Fink, making money is what we have expected of companies to do anway, but nowadays […]

Sustainability leadership & the role of the board

csr and communication was very honoured to have been invited to take part in the SLOVENIAN CORPORATE GOVERNANCE CONFERENCE 2017 in November 2017 in Ljubljana. The Slovenian Director’s association invited its members to learn about new transparency and accountability expectations, reaching beyond regular governance codes and focusing on ethical consciousness and a holistic approach to governing companies by […]

PotentiAlpeAdria Conference 2015: Keynote „Growth through Trust“

„Successful companies are innovative and have a strong leadership. Their business model is designed for the long term. With economic vigour they contribute to the development of society. Networking and cross-border cooperation can even foster and enhance this, yet require a good amount of mutual trust and understanding, respect and transparency among partners. Responsible leadership, […]

The Short Report – Readable and Awarded

In 2015 Karin Huber supported the Corporate Responsibility Team of MAM Baby Products with advisory in the preparation of their second sustainability report. The result was the „Best Sustainability Report of Austrian Small and Medium Enterprises 2015“ – awarded by the Austrian Chamber of Public Accountants.