Compliancekultur durch Nachhaltigkeitsberichterstattung?
Berichterstattung stellt für viele Unternehmen den ersten Schritt in professionelles Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement dar. Um den damit verbundenen, ressourcenintensiven Aufwand optimal für eine Weiterentwicklung des Unternehmens nutzen

Modern Corporate Responsibility contributes to Sustainable Development
Corporate Responsibility according to international standards like the UN Global Compact, ISO 26000 or the OECD Guidelines is all about HOW companies make their profits, not

Sustainability leadership & the role of the board
csr and communication was very honoured to have been invited to take part in the SLOVENIAN CORPORATE GOVERNANCE CONFERENCE 2017 in November 2017 in Ljubljana. The

Interne CSR Kommunikation braucht Emotion!
Zahlen und Daten holen keinen Mitarbeiter hinter dem Ofen hervor – und vor allem begeistern sie niemanden dafür, sich an einer echten Veränderung für eine

PotentiAlpeAdria Conference 2015: Keynote „Growth through Trust“
„Successful companies are innovative and have a strong leadership. Their business model is designed for the long term. With economic vigour they contribute to the

The Short Report – Readable and Awarded
In 2015 Karin Huber supported the Corporate Responsibility Team of MAM Baby Products with advisory in the preparation of their second sustainability report. The result was